A logo is the first image customers think of when they think about someone who can perform the service they are seeking to get. For some a logo can just be something they feel their company needs, for others it is their stepping stone to creating a very successful company for themselves and their loved ones to enjoy. 

Before you make a buying decision on a logo it is important to know where to find a logo that best represents your company thoroughly and what options you have to get one. 

Many people make the mistake of not taking their company image seriously and completely overlook the importance of having an awesome image people will remember when they have a problem that you or your company can fix for them. 

YES, a simple image really does make a difference from profit to flopping.

You have 4 Options when Choosing a Logo
Stock - Exclusive - Unique - Creating Your Own

What is A Stock Logo
A stock logo is a logo that can be sold many times. It is a logo that you have private rights to use to represent your company and your brand, but one that others can also use to brand and represent their company. However Just because it is a stock logo, doesn't mean that you can't take advantage of it. But before we get into that, lets look deeper into what a private logo is.

What is A Private Logo
a private logo, also known as a "Unique Logo" is a logo only you have and can never ever be bought by anyone else ever again or ever be recreated. It is your's, it is the exact representation of YOU in your company.

Creating Your Own Logo

The Benefits of A Stock Logo
A stock logo has many pros and cons. So what advantage can you possibly get out of using a stock logo. Well, as an entrepreneur, we all tend to have this passion to brand our image on the minds of our clients and our local community. Everyone starts small and a stock logo is exactly that. It allows you to take advantage of RE-BRANDING YOUR COMPANY. With every re-brand you are giving YOURSELF the opportunity to imprint yourself on the minds of your local business, your clients and if you eventually get bigger, throughout the country. A stock logo is an opportunity for you to get more clients and provide better service.
Benefits Overview

The Benefits of A Private Logo
The benefits of a private logo are much simplier. Not only do you have a logo that nobody in the world can ever possibly have. That logo is unique to you and your company. Keep in mind though that just because you decide to get a privatly designed logo for your company does'nt mean the re-brnaidn door for your company is closed. All it means is that you are starting unique from the bottom and remaining unique to the top. However it doesnt really make a difference starting from stock at the bottom and becoming unique to the top.

The decision from buying a stock logo to represent your company and buying a unique logo to represent your company is entirely based on your preference and ultimatly your budget. Stock logos are cheaper because it allows you to test your company without spending too much and unque logos are more expensive because, it is just that. A customized representation of you and your company.
Benefits Overview

The Best Places For Stock Logos
By far the best place I have ever found for stock everything is the Envato Marketplace. They literally have everyhting a brand new companies heart can desire. From logos, business cards, panflets, banners, website templates, literally anything you can think of.


The Most Reliable Services For Unique Logos